CFS Canada is implementing stringent standards as we reopen in the post-COVID-19-quarantine period. We maintain a safe physical space using the “Four Ps” – preparation, prevention, protection and policing.
Work Process Assessments. We are requesting collaboration and advance planning to ensure employee safety on all work sites.
Social Distancing Rules. We have established official guidelines for social distancing on our premises, stating that all employees must maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres from one another. When on the job site, CFS policy is that enhanced personal protective equipment will be mandatory.
Restricted Site Access. Access to all sites is to be strictly monitored and all personnel and visitors must be authorized and pre-screened.
Daily Health Review. Every employee must complete a self-declaration questionnaire screening for possible COVID-19 exposure and/or symptoms. We request that any subcontractors monitor their workers’ health daily.
Encouragement of Self-Reporting. Any employee who begins experiencing cold- or flu-like symptoms is required to self-report to their supervisor prior to voluntarily leaving the site.
Regular Cleaning of Equipment and Surfaces. In the office, all high-touch surfaces are to be cleaned with soap and water or alcohol-based wipes. Additional surfaces and work areas at our office locations will be cleaned according to a schedule based on: number of employees using them, duration of use, and presence of objects normally handled with bare hands.
Use of Protective Eyewear and Gloves. These safety items should be worn as required; however, each pair must be marked with the individual worker’s name and not shared. Clean gloves should be worn every day.
Disinfectants and Sanitizers. Disinfectants and hand sanitizers shall be supplied for general use. Workers must wash or sanitize hands every time they remove their gloves.
Reinforcement of Basic Hygiene Rules. All employees must be familiar with, and adhere to, essential hygiene rules:
- Wash hands often with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the washroom or before and after touching nose, mouth, or eyes. When soap and water are unavailable, substitute alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue (to be discarded safely) or into the crook of your elbow. Wash hands afterward.
- Avoid physical touch, such as hugs or handshakes.
- Shower and dress in clean clothes as soon as you get home.
Enforcement. All staff are to cooperate in identifying and correcting unsafe workplace practices, to help ensure everyone’s safety.
We understand that all situations and businesses are unique. What works for us, may not work for you. We all need to play a part in mitigating the risks of COVID-19. Ensuring that the health of your family, co-workers, customers and community come first. If you have any questions about how we maintain a safe working environment or would like some advice on creating safe, touch-free workplaces, do not hesitate to reach out or give us a call at 613-224-3939 or 905-627-3339.